Looking for information on how to get from El Nido to Coron or reverse direction Coron to El Nido?
Now in 2024, there are several different ways to travel between El Nido and Coron. You really need to visit both of these destinations. They are both worth your time!
Two of the Philippines ’ top destinations are just a short distance from each other, located in the northern section of the Palawan Islands. Getting between El Nido and Coron is getting much easier and faster than it used to be.
There are also some exciting and unique options to get to and from destinations in the Palawan. Here are all of the possible options to get from El Nido to Coron -or- to get from Coron to El Nido.
We returned from a trip in January 2019, and this is all the current information in one place. Here is everything you need to know about traveling between El Nido and Coron Palawan Islands.
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Cheapest Way: El Nido to Coron Ferry
The most affordable method is to take the ferry from El Nido to Coron. There is also a Coron to El Nido ferry if you are traveling in that direction.
Two ferry companies run this route daily. There are two ferries per day in each direction between Coron and El Nido, run by two different companies: Montenegro and Phimal.
This option is also very convenient. Both terminals are close to the main tourist areas.
El Nido To Coron Ferry Cost:
You will pay the same price booking online in advance here as you will booking in person. We highly advise booking in advance online before traveling to the Philippines due to the boat selling out days in advance. Both companies are the same price.
The biggest differences are the sailing times and seating comfort (Some Ships). On our most recent trip, we found Montenegro to have a slightly more comfortable interior on some of their boats than Phimal.
However, Montenegro has the brutally early 6 a.m. ferry leaving from El Nido, which you have to show up to the port nearly an hour before, which makes for a very early wake-up call while on holiday. Other than that both companies are very comparable.
Montenegro El Nido Ferry Prices
- 1,760 Adults
- 1,496 Students with ID
- 880 Children 3-7
Phimal El Nido Ferry Prices
- 1,760 Adults
- 1,496 Students with ID
- 880 Children 3-7
El Nido to Coron Ferry times:
Coron to El Nido Ferry Times:
Note: The ferry companies request you arrive an hour before your departure to take care of port fees and board the boat. If you do not arrive early enough, your ticket may be released to someone on the waiting list.
Related Article: Top Things to do in the Palawan
*When looking for the best price and the biggest selection of hotels in El Nido check prices on Booking.com, we’ve found they are the best option and have a great cancelation policy.*
Recommended Hotel in El Nido – Cuna Hotel
How Long Does The El Nido to Coron Ferry Take?
No matter which ferry you take, they both take, on average, 3.5 – 4 hours. They advertise the ferry takes 3 hours but don’t plan on it. Neither is much faster than the other.
El Nido Ferry Office Locations:
- Montenegro Ferry in El Nido Office: See Map
- Phimal Ferry Office in El Nido: Office in Coron Only – Call: +63 917 501 1384
Coron Ferry Office Locations
El Nido to Coron Ferry Tips:
Book in Advance – Do Not wait to book your ferry ticket until you are in El Nido or Coron unless your travel plans are flexible. These ferries sell out frequently during the high season.
If you have fixed dates, you should book online in advance here or here. Check both companies in case one is sold out. It’s the same price booking online (1,760 pesos, which is about $34 USD) as you will pay in town.
Just make sure to print out your booking before you travel or have your accommodation print it for you. Check El Nido ferry availability here.
Cancellations – The ferries in Palawan can be canceled due to weather and mechanical problems. These delays are infrequent, but they do happen. If you are island hopping in the Philippines and have flights booked, leave sufficient time in case of delays in ferries.
On our last trip, our ferry was canceled at the last minute, and we spent an extra night in El Nido and missed a day of our trip in Coron, so this does happen.
Stand by Lists – If your plans change or you can’t get a ticket for the day you want to travel, go to the office of the company you want to travel to the night before and put your name on the standby list.
If you can get there before they close, then arrive at the ferry terminal as early as possible, more than 1 hour before the departure, and get on the list that morning. They generally can accommodate a few passengers due to no-shows.
Check Multiple Ticket Agents for Last Minute Tickets – If your plans change or you want to book on the ground, if a tour agent doesn’t have your dates, keep checking with others. These companies seem to buy these tickets in bulk, and one office might have a date, but another doesn’t.
I had this happen to me on our last visit. Everybody else was sold out for a few days, but one agent had a closer date to get me from El Nido to Coron.
Pack Sea Sickness Pills if Prone to Motion Sickness – The day we sailed, it was a windy day that can make for a bumpy ride, but overall, I found it a pretty good ride. You may not need to take pills, but if you know you get seasick easily, you should have them just in case. It’s easiest to buy them on Amazon at home.
We also suggest not having a late night out partying since the boats often depart early. You really wouldn’t want to be hungover & seasick.
Transportation From the Ferry Terminal to Coron Town or El Nido:
Once your ferry docks in Coron, you’ll exit the port, and just outside the gates, there will be many of the three-wheeling motor trikes waiting to take you to Coron Town or your accommodation. A ride into Coron Town should not cost more than 50 pesos.
I found the drivers waiting at the gate wanted to charge 4x that price, but if you walk another hundred feet or so, there are plenty of other drivers that will do it for a more reasonable rate.
Make sure you generally know where your accommodation is and if you can look up another landmark restaurant to give the driver in case he isn’t familiar with the place you are staying in. To see a map of where the Coron ferry docks click here.
Transportation from the Ferry Terminal in El Nido:
Here also there will be drivers waiting to take you to your place. The ferry port is right in El Nido Town, and if you are close enough, you might be able to walk. If not, the ride should again be under 50 pesos, but more if you are staying in Las Cabanas Beach Area.
To see a map of where the El Nido ferry terminal click here.
Related Article: Easiest Way – Manila to El Nido

Flights from El Nido to Coron
AirSWIFT now runs flights between El Nido and Coron, and it’s the easiest and fastest but more costly than the rest of the options. You can generally book these tickets right online.
However, if your plans change and you need to book these flights when you are at the destination, it can be better to go to the office directly. Check the prices here on Skyscanner.
- El Nido Airport Code: ENI
- Coron (Busuanga) Airport Code: USU
AirSwift El Nido to Coron Flight Cost
Flight prices between the islands are not a set price and vary based on dates and demand. Expect to pay $100+ USD per person. The cheapest prices can be found on Skyscanner, Check the prices here on Skyscanner.
You can book tickets in person in El Nido. Go to the ArtCafe to ask about and to book flights between El Nido and Coron. See Map Here.
El Nido To Coron Flight Schedule
- Flight T6 538| Departs 8:40 am Arrives 9:05 am | Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
- Flight T6 540 | Departs 9:25 am Arrives 9:50 am | Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
Sadly, there aren’t flights every day of the week, but flights do operate four days a week, and on those dates, there are two departures.
Coron to El Nido Flight Schedule
- Flight T6 539| Departs 9:35 am Arrives 10:00 am | Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
- Flight T6 551 | Departs 10:40 am Arrives 11:05 am | Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
Getting from the Coron Airport (USU Busuanga) to Coron Town
The airport is located in the center of Busuanga Island (See Map), which is the main tourist island and where Coron Town is located.
From Coron Town to the airport, it is 30-40 minutes, depending on traffic. You can book a shared transport for around 150 pesos ($3 USD) or a private shuttle for 1,500 pesos ($30 USD).
Getting from El Nido Airport to El Nido Town
The El Nido Airport is located 7 kilometers from El Nido Town (See Map), and the easiest way is to use the local tricycles. They know the flight schedules and will be waiting for arriving aircraft. Tricycles are also easy to find in town to go to the airport.
Related Article: Things to do in the Philippines
Other Flight Options from El Nido to Coron
AirSwift is the only carrier currently flying to El Nido Airport. They will be your only option to land or take off directly from El Nido. However, there is another airport in Palawan where you can get to El Nido.
The Puerto Princessa Airport is the main airport of Palawan, but it is a 6-8 hour ride from El Nido. More on how to get from El Nido to Puerto Princessa.
Alternative Flight Options from Coron to El Nido
The only airport on Coron (Busuanga Island) is the main (USU) Busuanga Airport (now called Francisco B. Reyes Airport), so look for flights from Coron to Puerto Princessa. If those are too expensive, you can try booking your legs separately because the flights will have a layover in Manila no matter what.
You can look at flights to Manila and then Manila to Puerto Princessa. From Puerto Princessa, you can arrange transport to El Nido. You can book in advance here.
If you want to see even more of the Palawan, instead of going straight to El Nido, you could stay in Puerto Princessa for a night and see the Underground River on the way. Click here to compare Underground River tours.
On our recent trip, we rented a car in Puerto Princessa and visited the underground river on the way to El Nido. This was super cheap and was on our own schedule, click here to check rates and book online.
Related: Best Restaurants in Coron
Alternative Flights from El Nido to Coron
This way is almost impossible to do in one single day because in order to make it to Puerto Princessa in time to make the flights, you would have to leave very early from El Nido.
Then, it is tough to make the flights line up because there are only so many flights from Puerto Princessa to Manila per day, and they are generally later in the day, and then you can get a flight to Coron.
The airport in Coron doesn’t have runway lights, and they can only fly during daylight. Therefore, the last flight from Manila to Coron is in the afternoon.
We know because once our flight from Manila to Coron was canceled due to a delay, it would have us landing after sunset, so we had to spend the night in Manila. If you go this route, the only real way to do it is to spend a night in Manila, which isn’t ideal.
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Expeditions Cruises between El Nido to Coron
The most adventurous way to get between El Nido and Coron is an Expedition Cruise. A newer offering is a super unique adventure cruise traveling between El Nido and Coron.
Most of these types of cruises take about three days, but there are five-day options and you’ll stop and camp at various islands that lie between Coron and El Nido.
If you are looking for a Philippines adventure, this is the trip for you. If you don’t mind some beach camping, you’ll get to see the islands and beaches that very, very few people visit. I already know the next time we visit, this is the way I am transferring between Coron to El Nido.
We recommend booking an expedition cruise with El Nido Paradise. They have six different expedition cruises. The cruises include all your meals, water, rum & coke, snorkel equipment, tents & bedding, and amazing scenery. Prices vary based on the dates and length of the expedition cruise. Click here to book online.
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Thursday 4th of July 2019
This looks pretty amazing :)